[Easy Methods] Fix Canon Printer Error 5b00 Issue

Mills Stanley Updated by Mills Stanley

Canon Printer Error 5b00

Canon printers are renowned for their reliability and quality, but sometimes users encounter errors that can disrupt their printing tasks. One such issue is Error 5B00. This error typically relates to the ink absorber or the waste ink tank, which is a component responsible for collecting excess ink during printing. Understanding and resolving Error 5B00 can be crucial to restoring your printer to its optimal functioning. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the causes of Error 5B00 and offer detailed troubleshooting steps and solutions.

Understanding Canon Printer Error 5B00

Error 5B00 on Canon printers is associated with the ink absorber or waste ink tank. The ink absorber is designed to collect excess ink that is not used during printing, such as during head cleaning cycles. Over time, this absorber can become saturated with ink, leading to Error 5B00. When this error occurs, the printer typically stops working to prevent ink from leaking or damaging the printer.

Common Causes of Canon Printer Error 5B00

  1. Saturated Ink Absorber:
    • The most common cause of Error 5B00 is a saturated ink absorber. This component collects excess ink, and when it becomes full, it triggers the error to prevent overflow.
  2. Clogged or Faulty Ink Absorber:
    • If the ink absorber is clogged or malfunctioning, it can cause Error 5B00. This may occur due to improper maintenance or the accumulation of dried ink.
  3. Sensor Issues:
    • The printer has sensors that monitor the ink absorber’s condition. If these sensors are faulty or misaligned, they may incorrectly signal a problem, resulting in Error 5B00.
  4. Firmware Glitches:
    • Occasionally, firmware issues can cause Error 5B00. A glitch in the printer’s software may incorrectly report an issue with the ink absorber.
  5. Physical Damage:
    • Physical damage to the printer’s internal components, such as the ink absorber or its housing, can trigger Error 5B00.

How to Fix Canon Printer Error 5B00

Here’s a step-by-step guide to troubleshoot and resolve Canon Printer Error 5B00:

1. Reset the Printer

A reset can sometimes clear Error 5B00 by reinitializing the printer’s settings.

  1. Turn off the printer using the power button.
  2. Unplug the printer from the power source and wait for about 1-2 minutes.
  3. Plug the printer back in and turn it on.

Check if the error persists after the reset.

2. Check the Ink Absorber

The ink absorber is often located at the bottom of the printer. Accessing and inspecting it may require opening the printer or removing panels.

  1. Turn off the printer and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Open the printer to access the ink absorber. Consult your printer’s manual for specific instructions on locating it.
  3. Inspect the ink absorber for signs of saturation or damage. If it appears full or clogged, it may need to be cleaned or replaced.

Cleaning the Ink Absorber:

  • Remove the absorber carefully, if possible.
  • Clean it gently using a soft cloth to remove excess ink.
  • Allow it to dry completely before reinserting it into the printer.

Replacing the Ink Absorber:

  • If the absorber is saturated or damaged beyond cleaning, it will need to be replaced.
  • Purchase a replacement ink absorber from Canon or an authorized dealer.
  • Install the new absorber following the instructions provided with the replacement part.

After inspecting or replacing the ink absorber, reassemble the printer, plug it back in, and turn it on to check if the error is resolved.

3. Perform a Hard Reset

A hard reset can sometimes clear more persistent errors.

  1. Turn off the printer and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Press and hold the Power button for about 30 seconds.
  3. Release the button and plug the printer back in.
  4. Turn the printer on and check if the error has been cleared.
4. Update the Printer Firmware

Firmware updates can resolve software-related issues, including Error 5B00.

  1. Visit Canon’s official website and navigate to the support section.
  2. Search for your printer model and download the latest firmware update.
  3. Follow the instructions to install the firmware on your printer.

After updating the firmware, restart the printer and see if the error persists.

5. Reset the Ink Absorber Counter

Some Canon printers require resetting the ink absorber counter after servicing or replacing the ink absorber.

  1. Turn off the printer.
  2. Press and hold the Resume button (or Stop/Reset button) while turning the printer back on.
  3. Continue holding the button until the power light flashes, then release it.
  4. Follow any additional prompts on the printer’s display to complete the reset.

Consult your printer’s manual for specific instructions on resetting the ink absorber counter, as the process can vary by model.

6. Contact Canon Support

If none of the above solutions resolve Error 5B00, the issue may be more complex and require professional assistance.

  1. Contact Canon’s customer support for further guidance.
  2. Provide them with detailed information about the error and the troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken.
  3. Consider taking the printer to an authorized service center if it is still under warranty or if professional repair is needed.


Canon Printer Error 5B00 is often related to issues with the ink absorber or waste ink tank. Common causes include a saturated ink absorber, clogged components, faulty sensors, firmware glitches, or physical damage. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide—resetting the printer, checking and cleaning or replacing the ink absorber, performing a hard reset, updating the firmware, and resetting the ink absorber counter—you can often resolve the error on your own. However, if the problem persists, seeking assistance from Canon’s support team or a professional technician is recommended. Regular maintenance and timely intervention can help keep your Canon printer in good working condition and avoid future issues.

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