Epson Printer Won't Connect to WiFi | Complete Guide

Mills Stanley Updated by Mills Stanley

Having trouble connecting your Epson printer to Wi-Fi can be frustrating, but most issues can be resolved with some troubleshooting steps. This guide provides a comprehensive approach to identifying and fixing common problems that prevent your Epson printer from connecting to your wireless network.

Step 1: Check Basic Connectivity and Setup

  1. Ensure the Printer is On: Verify that your printer is powered on. If the printer’s power light is not illuminated, press the power button to turn it on.
  2. Check Wi-Fi Signal: Ensure your Wi-Fi network is working correctly. Check if other devices (e.g., smartphones, laptops) can connect to the Wi-Fi.
  3. Router Placement: Ensure your router is within range of the printer and not obstructed by walls or other large objects that could weaken the signal.

Step 2: Verify Network Settings

  1. Correct SSID and Password: Double-check that you are using the correct SSID (network name) and Wi-Fi password. These should be exactly as they appear in your router settings, including any capitalization.
  2. Network Type: Ensure your network is set to the correct frequency. Some Epson printers may only support 2.4 GHz networks and not 5 GHz.

Step 3: Use the Printer’s Control Panel for Wi-Fi Setup

  1. Access Wi-Fi Setup: On the printer's control panel, navigate to the Wi-Fi setup menu. This can typically be found under settings or network settings.
  2. Select Wi-Fi Setup Wizard: Use the Wi-Fi setup wizard to search for available networks. Select your network from the list.
  3. Enter Password: Enter your Wi-Fi password when prompted. Make sure to enter it accurately, including any special characters.

Step 4: Use WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) Method

If your router supports WPS:

  1. Press the WPS Button on Your Router: This button is usually labeled “WPS” and is located on the router’s front or back panel.
  2. Initiate WPS on Printer: On your Epson printer, select the WPS setup option from the Wi-Fi setup menu. Press the WPS button on the printer within two minutes of pressing the router’s WPS button.
  3. Connection Confirmation: The Wi-Fi indicator on the printer should stop blinking and stay lit, indicating a successful connection.

Step 5: Update Printer Firmware and Drivers

  1. Check for Firmware Updates: Go to the Epson Support website and check for any available firmware updates for your printer model.
  2. Install Firmware Updates: Follow the instructions to download and install the firmware updates.
  3. Update Printer Drivers: Ensure you have the latest drivers installed on your computer. Download the latest drivers from the Epson Support website and install them.

Step 6: Restart Devices and Network Equipment

  1. Restart Printer: Turn off your Epson printer, wait for a few seconds, and turn it back on.
  2. Restart Router: Power off your router, wait for about 10-20 seconds, and then power it back on.
  3. Restart Computer or Mobile Device: Restart the device from which you are trying to print.

Step 7: Reset Network Settings on Printer

  1. Navigate to Network Settings: On your printer, go to the network settings or setup menu.
  2. Select Restore Network Settings: Choose the option to reset or restore network settings to default.
  3. Reconfigure Wi-Fi Settings: After the reset, reconfigure the Wi-Fi settings using the Wi-Fi setup wizard.

Step 8: Check for IP Address Conflicts

  1. Print Network Configuration Page: Many Epson printers allow you to print a network configuration page. This page shows the printer’s IP address and network status.
  2. Check IP Address: Ensure the printer’s IP address is not conflicting with another device on the network. If there is a conflict, assign a static IP address to the printer through the printer’s network settings.

Step 9: Disable Firewalls and Security Software Temporarily

  1. Disable Firewalls: Temporarily disable any firewalls on your router or computer that might be blocking the printer’s connection.
  2. Disable Security Software: Temporarily disable any antivirus or security software on your computer that might be interfering with the connection.
  3. Retry Connection: Attempt to reconnect the printer to the Wi-Fi network.

Step 10: Factory Reset the Printer

  1. Access Setup Menu: On the printer’s control panel, navigate to the setup or settings menu.
  2. Select Factory Reset: Choose the option to perform a factory reset. This will restore the printer to its original settings.
  3. Reconfigure Wi-Fi Settings: After the reset, reconfigure the Wi-Fi settings using the Wi-Fi setup wizard.

Step 11: Contact Epson Support

If none of the above steps resolve the issue:

  1. Visit Epson Support: Go to the Epson Support website for more troubleshooting resources and support.
  2. Contact Support: Reach out to Epson’s customer support for assistance. Provide them with details of the steps you have already taken and any error messages you have encountered.


Connecting your Epson printer to Wi-Fi is essential for wireless printing and overall convenience. By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to resolve most connection issues. Regularly updating firmware and drivers, ensuring correct network settings, and maintaining good network health are key to preventing future connectivity problems. If persistent issues remain, Epson’s support team can provide additional assistance.

FAQ: Epson Printer Won't Connect to Wi-Fi

Q1: Why won't my Epson printer connect to Wi-Fi?

A1: Your Epson printer may not connect to Wi-Fi due to several reasons including incorrect Wi-Fi settings, network interference, outdated firmware or drivers, or router configuration issues. Ensuring correct network details and proper setup can resolve these issues.

Q2: What basic checks should I perform if my Epson printer won't connect to Wi-Fi?


  1. Ensure your printer is powered on.
  2. Confirm that your Wi-Fi network is functioning correctly by checking other connected devices.
  3. Verify that the printer is within range of the Wi-Fi router.
  4. Check that the SSID (network name) and Wi-Fi password are entered correctly.

Q3: How do I connect my Epson printer to Wi-Fi using the control panel?


  1. Navigate to the Wi-Fi setup menu on the printer’s control panel.
  2. Select Wi-Fi Setup Wizard.
  3. Choose your Wi-Fi network from the list of available networks.
  4. Enter your Wi-Fi password when prompted and confirm the connection.

Q4: How do I use the WPS method to connect my Epson printer to Wi-Fi?


  1. Press the WPS button on your router.
  2. On your Epson printer, select the WPS setup option from the Wi-Fi setup menu.
  3. Press the WPS button on the printer within two minutes.
  4. Wait for the Wi-Fi indicator on the printer to stop blinking and remain lit, indicating a successful connection.

Q5: How can I update the firmware and drivers for my Epson printer?


  1. Visit the Epson Support website and locate your printer model.
  2. Download the latest firmware and driver updates.
  3. Install the updates following the provided instructions.

Q6: What should I do if my Epson printer is still not connecting to Wi-Fi after following basic steps?


  1. Restart your printer, router, and computer or mobile device.
  2. Reset the network settings on the printer and try connecting again.
  3. Ensure your network is set to the correct frequency (2.4 GHz for most Epson printers).
  4. Temporarily disable any firewall or security software that might be blocking the connection.

Q7: How do I reset the network settings on my Epson printer?


  1. Navigate to the network settings or setup menu on the printer.
  2. Select the option to reset or restore network settings to default.
  3. Reconfigure the Wi-Fi settings using the Wi-Fi setup wizard.

Q8: What can I do if my printer's IP address conflicts with another device on the network?


  1. Print a network configuration page from the printer’s control panel to check the IP address.
  2. Ensure the printer’s IP address does not conflict with another device on the network.
  3. Assign a static IP address to the printer through the network settings on the printer or router.

Q9: How can I improve the Wi-Fi signal strength to my Epson printer?


  1. Place the printer closer to the Wi-Fi router.
  2. Ensure there are no physical obstructions or electronic devices causing interference.
  3. Use a Wi-Fi extender to boost the signal if necessary.

Q10: What if my Epson printer supports only 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi but my router is set to 5 GHz?


  1. Access your router’s settings and ensure it is broadcasting a 2.4 GHz network.
  2. Connect the printer to the 2.4 GHz network instead of the 5 GHz network.
  3. Some routers allow dual-band broadcasting, enabling both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz simultaneously.

Q11: How do I disable firewall and security software to test my printer's connection?


  1. Temporarily disable any firewall or antivirus software on your computer.
  2. Retry connecting your printer to the Wi-Fi network.
  3. If the connection is successful, configure the firewall or antivirus settings to allow the printer through.

Q12: What should I do if none of these steps resolve the issue?

A12: If the problem persists, contact Epson support for further assistance. Provide details of the steps you have taken and any error messages encountered. Epson support can offer advanced troubleshooting and check for hardware issues.

Q13: Can I connect multiple devices to my Epson printer via Wi-Fi?

A13: Yes, once your Epson printer is connected to Wi-Fi, it can be accessed by multiple devices on the same network, including computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Q14: How can I perform a factory reset on my Epson printer?


  1. Navigate to the setup or settings menu on the printer’s control panel.
  2. Select the option to perform a factory reset.
  3. Follow the prompts to confirm the reset and restore the printer to its original settings.

Q15: Where can I find additional help or support for my Epson printer?

A15: For additional support, visit the Epson Support website or contact Epson customer service. They provide extensive resources, troubleshooting guides, and customer service assistance.

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